Nilza is an executive in Senior Management, Finance, and Marketing, with extensive experience in the opening, stabilization, growth, and start-up of large healthcare companies, leading the strategic and financial group to achieve organizational objectives, a high level of performance, and innovation and development of new products or services. She is an independent consultant structuring projects, conducting market research in healthcare for international firms, financial studies, and company valuations.
Nilza holds a Master’s in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing from EAFIT University, a specialization in Finance from EIA University, and is a Certified Public Accountant. She has strong analytical and planning skills. Nilza is a proactive, assertive, and ethical leader with a global business vision. She has served as manager of the Belén Clinic, Financial Vice President of the Clinic Doctors Group, and Administrative and Financial Director of the following Clinics: Universitaria Medicina Integral, La Concepción, San Juan de Dios, Comfenalco. Nilza was formerly the Chief Financial Officer of the General Hospital of Medellín and the Manuel Uribe Angel Hospital.