Vanessa Grajales


Vanessa, an enthusiastic professional, shines in areas like administrative tasks, coaching, and client interactions, and now serves as the Executive Assistant at SMB. Here, she focuses on overseeing operations and managing customer accounts. 

She has concentrated on overseeing operations and managing customer accounts. Vanessa is a results- driven person with a BA in English and experience in finance, company reengineering, and fast growth. Vanessa identifies as a people person who is enthusiastic about languages and wants to broaden her cultural perspective.

Vanessa has joined the Strategic Medical Brokers team as our executive assistant. She will be creating and enhancing workflow processes to help our clients.

Vanessa puts forth a lot of effort, and her optimistic outlook inspires others to advance and do well. Every day, Vanessa is inspired by her family and friends. She likes to read, listen to music, and exercise with her husband in her spare time. 

healthcare business brokers